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Community / support / Quick guide on using Rclone decryption outside S3Drive
Hi. I just discovered this great backup tool today and subscribed with the plan. I was wondering if you can possibly set up a quick guide on how to decrypt files using rclone outside of s3drive if backed to backblaze b2. I searched the web but couldn't understand how to decrypt files while downloading them or at least from local even though i have found a possible link which may have indirectly explained it from their forum. Thank you. Decrypting files after downloaded from remote - Help and Support - rclone forum
Hello, I'm pretty sure this has been asked and answered before, but I am failing to find a close enough match here, or elsewhere in my searching for comfort. Closest I found was this the thread at the forum here: /t/decrypt-partial-version-of-crypt/4683. Which I think answers the question, but I wanted to be super clear before I planned on the ...
Hi @Crims, In principle you need to point crypt Rclone remote to the remote which stores the encrypted data, that could be an external remote or local remote (remote is just a name/concept of Rclone and even though FS is local, it is also called remote). We provide a guide how to set this up and decrypt/encrypt files outside of S3Drive given they're present on some external remote, that is S3 server: In this guide: s3drive_crypt points to a bucket within s3drive_remote (which is a S3 provider). If your files are already downloaded then you would need to point your s3drive_crypt to your local FS remote instead. That technically means that within: s3drive_crypt you would replace line: remote = s3drive_remote:<bucket_name> with path to your FS, e.g: remote = C:\MyEncryptedData I hope that helps, if you need any assistance on that please let me know. (edited)
Personal storage compatible with S3, WebDav and 70+ other Rclone back-ends
Thank you very much kind sir. Wish you all the best.
Tom changed the channel name: Quick guide on using Rclone decryption outside S3Drive 1/28/2024 10:55 PM
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